Highest Efficiency

Our systems can be installed on any type of roof material, including high pitched roofs, and can accommodate installing ground mounted solar systems. If your residence is part of an HOA, Horne Enterprises will provide you the information necessary to get approval for your solar system to be installed on your home. For homeowners wishing to reroof their home while installing their solar system, you will receive an additional federal tax credit on the cost of the reroof. When installing your solar system, Horne Enterprises only uses Pegasus Solar roof penetration mounts to ensure that your home is safe from roof leaks during the rainy season. Our roof penetration warranty starts 10 years after your system has been installed on your home.

SunPower’s solar modules have been tested to withstand up to 150 mph hurricane winds with resistance to 50 mph impact from hale or other material. They have the best performance out of all solar panels in the industry in all conditions including low-light and shaded areas.




When you choose Horne Enterprises, you will be guided throughout the installation process of your solar system. In addition to having your own solar system monitoring, we will also be monitoring your system remotely and will set up a site visit should we receive an alert that your system is malfunctioning.
Horne Enterprises needs 12-months of previous electricity usage to ensure your solar system produces the necessary energy to power your home.

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